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Seven Beauty Tips that you WILL want to share!

The internet is FULL of beauty and skincare hacks that promise to make us all more beautiful while helping us to save time and money.
Many of those hacks don't actually work, but here are a few handy tips that I use myself that can help simplify everyone's beauty and skincare routines.

After you swipe eye cream under your eyes, just smooth any remaining on your finger onto your lips. They will soon be smooth and plump!

Keeping your skin care products in the bathroom is definitely convenient, but sticking your moisturisers and serums in the refrigerator adds a little bit of luxury to the everyday skincare routine. Anyone who has had a facial with me can attest to the beautiful feeling of cold products on freshly clean skin!

Travel tip: you may look a little silly, but applying a hydrating sheet mask while you're travelling is the perfect way to avoid that parched, flaky feeling that always comes on after a lengthy flight or car ride.

That moisturiser might look empty, but it's likely that you can get one more application simply by snipping the top of the container off with a pair of scissors. That's especially true for products in long, skinny tubes — use a cotton swab or makeup brush to remove the last tiny bits of product before buying a new one.

There are a wide variety of makeup brush cleaners on the market, but none of them are necessary. Use olive oil to loosen up the makeup in your brushes, then wash away the residue with simple fairy liquid. After rinsing thoroughly, allow the brushes to fully dry (upright) before applying new product

Traditional flannels can be damaging to delicate facial skin, thanks to their rough texture. Instead, invest in soft microfiber cloth for a more gentle cleanse. Wash after every use. Much better for the environment than cotton wool pads, too.

Hair grips are essential for anyone with long hair, but they can definitely be frustrating. Eliminate some of the slip by spritzing your grips with a little hairspray before pinning your hair. The stickiness of the spray will provide a little extra grip without extra pulling. I do this with my 7 year old daughter and there is no more pulling!

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